Djames and Blorne walk down the road. It has been hours, so they are getting bored. Out of boredom, Djames kicks a small pebble. Blorne giggles, and kicks the pebble back to Djames. Soon, the two best friends are prancing down the path, kicking the small pebble back and forth. “I love this, Blorne!” says Djames. Blorne looks up at Djames to share this moment of friendship, but as they lock eyes, Blorne loses control of the pebble. The pebble flies through the air and hits Blorne square in the head. “Ouch!” says Blorne as he falls to the ground. He hits the dirt, his bulbous body sending up a cloud of dust. “You imbecile!” screams Djames. “Did you forget that Lil’ Sally is drawn to dust clouds!?” Blorne looks up at Djames and opens his mouth to apologize, but a tongue snaps down from the trees and wraps around Blorne’s tiny neck. “Lil’ Sally!” Djames yells, and before he can say, “yikes,” Blorne is snatched up into Lil’ Sally’s jaws. Djames shouts in terror and turns around to run away, but Lil’ Sally is too quick. She pounces, and quickly makes a feast out of Djames. When she is finished, she burps out her his shoes and jumps back into the branches, eagerly searching for another fresh cloud of dust to mark her next meal.